Fog Induction

Fog InductionCan you feel the fog, the Fog Induction? Can you feel it taking you down deep and low. Rolling across you, enveloping your thoughts, ideas and actions.  It comes in like a lion and takes you out like a lamb. Feel its warn rush making you more submissive, more compliant and ready for all my instructions. This induction can be listened to be fore ANY hypnosis recording, even ones by other Hypno-dommes. Designed to deepen your trance and get you ready for the trance effects and commands to come.
Includes: whispers, triggers, binaural beats, erotic hypnosis, brain training, mind fuck, mental domination, femdom hypnosis, deep implantation of reactive thought, trance training, traditional hypnosis

Listen: Fog Induction Preview

Length : 7 mins, 15 secs
File Format : .mp3
Price: U.S. $20.00

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