Pussy Obsession – Mp3

Pussy Obsession – Mp3

Trained and controlled to always be thinking about pussy, obsessed with all the hot wet snatch that surrounds you on a daily basis. Always noticing and thinking about the women around you and what they have under their skirts. Obsessively thinking about pussy and compelled to always be touching your tiny little cock when the thoughts take over, even in public especially in public. you crave the feeling, need the feeling, are mesmerized by the feeling. So mesmerized that you will do anything i command and your pussy obsession will grow and drive you to distraction. It's an obsession. You can't control it, it will control you. I will control you. Go deep into a trance, hear the triggers, the deepeners, and be programed to need and want and constantly…
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Pussy Slave – RETIRED

Pussy Slave – RETIRED

Oral Servitude
You will be trained to be a pussy slave addicted and obsessed with my hot wet snatch. Under my pussy control. Ready to service and obey my dominate slick wet pussy, you crave it, need it, be mesmerized to have to have it. So mesmerized that you will do anything i command. You can't stop yourself from the desire.You need to be of service to my pussy all the time a real pussy slave who knows this is your place in life. It's an obsession. You can't control it, it will control you. I will control you. You are a pussy slave, a real slave to pussy. Go deep into a trance, hear the triggers, the deepeners, and be programed to need and want and constantly think about being enslaved…
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