Your Cock Will Fail You

A limp dick is what you have, no matter how excited, how aroused you find your cock will fail you. In fact the more aroused you get, the less you can rely on your cock. You find your arousal increases with this knowledge, you cant stop the excitement from increasing, you then experience the humiliation and shame of your cock not complying and get even more aroused. Trapped in the loop of your limp dick and ever increasing arousal and excitement. Includes: Triggers, trance training, femdom hypnosis, mind fuck, brainwash, mental domination, female dominance, mind control, limp dick, ultra arousal, humiliation, shame spiral, erotic hypnosis
Listen: Your Cock Will Fail You Preview
Length : 21 mins, 05 secs
File Format : .mp3
Price: U.S. $35.00